
Art and Relating part2 – Art A Business

More on Relating

Another spin around my studio in Brighton UK. It is a great town well now a small city. It is on the south coast of England about an hour directly below London.

There is a great spirit here that helps me, particularly in the creative process. Lots of people doing stuff that is out there and a definite buzz that I love. Actually, I prefer to be here than anywhere else.

I have come to the conclusion that I am not really one for gadding about the country or adventurous in that way. That’s okay I managed to see a bit when I was younger. I prefer to focus on the internal adventure I suppose.

This is all about the relationship with myself. Learning that I don’t have to be like anyone else. That can be hard don’t you think? There can be a lot of pressure on us to be something or someone that has status or beauty. The list goes on !!

So the relationship with yourself is important to be aware of in the process of life in general.

I am looking at Art business and exploring further the discussion and position of relating within this.

Connect with others

For us to connect with others we can begin to get a deeper understanding of the way we are and behave towards them.

I can’t emphasise enough the way forward is confidence in oneself. THIS IS NOT a thing that some people have and others do not. We gain confidence by doing stuff. I am sure you are well aware of this

If you are an artist you will be keenly aware and understand that it takes time to get the hang of/to become an expert in something.

Confidence in myself has developed by doing things and most importantly having minor accidents. I prefer to say accidents than failing. It has heavy consequences failure and chances are most of us can take the mere word like a body punch.

Mindset is Crucial

Mindset is crucial and the starting point is being honest with what I feel and then staying with it. I have many times had the habitual response to push away feelings of doubt. Most of the time I am getting much better at not being ruled or dominated by those feelings.

Those emotions are a valuable part of my work but destructive in the arena of growing my business.


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