
Complaint – Easy Route – Lousy Outcome


We may well be familiar with the aspect of resistance when endeavouring to open up pathways in our efforts to connect with others. This can depend on how much we try to keep our doors open. It becomes increasingly difficult to ascertain whether there is even a door that is closed. So my feelings  lead me astray or can be a helping hand it seems. The inspired moves  to create value can often mask my sensibilities. Then I feel frustrated and choked. Mistaking this feeling for resistance drives me into further despair. Indeed the negative streaks in my personality hinder my progress and seem to colour my responses. Somehow I am beginning to fathom that these challenging feelings are as important as the ones of triumph that I discern after the completion of a difficult task. All of these aspects involved in a creative project are a perfect mirror for all of our daily lives. Generally, my lack of clarity manifests as a confusion of thought.When we consider that all of us are connected already and that it is a matter of delusion that leads us to believe that this is not the case, our judgements evolve into a broader perspective. When we open our doors  and reveal our true self, we begin to empathise with the life-state of others. We can become conduits for pain and if we are aware of this then we may be able to transform this pain into understanding.Moving from our self to an awareness of the congruent nature of our existence in relation with everything around us helps us to move from ignorance and even arrogance to a gradual appreciation of life itself.For me, the activity of painting pictures is an activity that mysteriously connects me with the universe. Of course, I am already a microcosm of the galaxies as are all the people and phenomena around me. The dynamic between life and death is acting out in all my actions on a daily basis.From hope to despair to hope again. Awake and then asleep are we mostly enacting this bold drama of life and death. How amazing to be alive and to be able to witness this incredible reality we are in.Patrick Turner-Leecopyright 2018

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