
Creative Life – How to Master Your Mind

Creative Life – How to Master Your Mind- A ​Path to Wellbeing

Creativity and Health

Every creative activity that we carry out has an element of movement. Minimal or extreme, depending on what we are attempting.

The creative space that we work in also has an impact on what we produce. Our personality will shape the outcome. I like to have some order around me, changing as I progress on a particular project.

Health and Well-being through Art

Organising our materials saves time.

 How do you take this on? As a Buddhist, the idea of a being outside of myself being in control of things is a delusion. The notion of the oneness of self and environment as part of the Buddhist philosophy sits closer to an understanding of what impact our ability to be organised might mean.

With deeper consideration organising things, is a matter of perception. In my art studio, I begin to see a recurring pattern that suits me. I will work away on a particular project. “Onlookers” was a project that lasted for months. Several new projects have evolved since. By the time I came to close this initial batch of work, my studio was a mess.

The truth is that it was quite tidy. I didn’t know where anything was anymore. I consider this to be a mess. Why do we have cupboards and drawers? Is it to make everything “tidy” or hide it away from things, so we don’t have to deal with them? The accumulation of lots of things can cloud our judgement and hold us to ransom?

Personality Traits and the way we work

Much of my life has been considering that I should be a better this, that or the other. What if actually, I am fine as I am? This new concept is beginning to enable me to access the freedom inside that I need to create outside.

Is this an aspect of Health that starts a positive transformation towards overall Wellness?I am learning how I work and can only do that by doing things and accepting that there is no such thing as a mistake. This idea that we make mistakes can further fuel our lack of belief in ourself.

Always about mindset

All of these patterns are points of interest, even though at times they are so frustrating. Life is complex. Our relationship with the Universe is an ongoing process of change. We need to align ourselves to the way life works by striving to change the way we respond.

Making art is a great way to challenge these patterns. My senses and mental wellbeing have gradually improved over the few years that I have immersed myself in painting. Such a valuable bi-product is the honing of my wisdom that leads me to make better decisions that have a direct impact on my life as it is now.


IPainting can be inexpensive compared to other activities. The hardest part of any creative work is getting started and persevering. Once the honeymoon period is over, it is easy to stop painting. Like many disciplines, it is only possible to make headway if we continue when there is resistance. If we do this, then we can quickly see fantastic results.So our habits and traits that have held us back from doing new things and developing stuff that we have always done half-heartedly require a shift in mindset. We can adjust our habitual behaviour to work on our behalf instead of being against us. Living a creative life is worth effort.-Patrick

Alice down the Rabbit Hole

I have been down a few rabbit holes and even had tea with a few very charming rabbits who have been very willing to advise me how to do my business. I listened and quite fancied a rabbit hole myself. This is not to be, and instead of wanting the rabbit hole I simply want to share my paintings with a wide variety of possible clients.

It is these people that I want to connect with and have some if only small, influence on their environment and with those around them. I don’t expect this to be a quick process but I need to steadily take the steps to achieve this.Many business models suggest that with a few simple steps you can go online and set up a business. Sure you can but unless it suits your personality and character it will not get very far. It takes time and determination to get honest with yourself. Even when you get into the right groove the amount of work to get things done is enormous. Please don’t be deceived by the professional copy that is presented about a quick fix. They do not exist.Be willing to change the plan so that your heart sings with delight and is not as heavy as a stone.

All of the foundation building has a profound effect on our self-belief and it is this that we need more than ever in the time of the coming renaissance of the human spirit


“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”

Marie Curie

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